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So far provet40europe has created 16 blog entries.

Fourth project meeting

By |September 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Our fourth project meeting was held in Bilbao, Spain on July 10 – 11, 2017. At the meeting, the representatives of all partner organisations from Spain, France and Italy discussed about the pilot training course that is developing in each country.   The PROVET4.0 training course, addressed to VET and higher education in mechanic learners [...]

Third project meeting

By |February 16th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Our third project meeting held in Mestre Venice, Italy on January 17 – 18, 2017. At the meeting, the representatives of all partner organisations from Spain, France and Italy discussed and planned the development of the Provet 4.0 training course and related contents and implementation in each partner’ country. This meeting was the perfect occasion [...]

Second project meeting

By |June 13th, 2016|Meetings|

The second project meeting held in Clermont Ferrand, France on the 3rd and 4th of may 2016. At the meeting, the representatives of all partner organizations (Spain, France and Italy) discussed about the results of analysis carried out with companies on current and future capabilities requirements of KETs in Advanced manufacturing and planned the next [...]

First project meeting

By |March 21st, 2016|Meetings|

The PROVET 4.0 project, funded by the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme aims to increase labour market relevance of VET by offering an innovative and job-oriented vocational training curriculum demanded by industry which allows qualify VET learners and workers of industry factories for the new industrial revolution 4.0. The project started in November, 2015 and will run until 31st [...]