Our fourth project meeting was held in Bilbao, Spain on July 10 – 11, 2017. At the meeting, the representatives of all partner organisations from Spain, France and Italy discussed about the pilot training course that is developing in each country.
The PROVET4.0 training course, addressed to VET and higher education in mechanic learners and electric and metal mechanic employees, is structured in 6 modules: additive manufacturing, collaborative robotics, cyber-physical systems, augmented reality, cloud computing and big data. During the course the Key Enabling Technologies in Advanced manufacturing systems´ techniques, processes and materials are presented, as well as their application in the industry. Each module has been configured as independent and each one means a learning effort of 12hours: 8 hours for e-learning content (in a Moodle platform) + 4 hours for face to face learning. Depending on the partner country, the face to face training has been organized in different way: in the classroom, company visits, workshops….