The Project
The manufacturing industry continues to be a central driver of growth for economies worldwide. It makes tremendous contributions to trade, research and development and productivity, generating 70% of exports and 90% of research and development investment in major manufacturing economies. The important relative specialization of the economy in the industry of the partner regions is reflected in its strength as a guarantee of employment and competitiveness even in the current crisis, becoming thus a key factor of development. Partner regions have developed their own Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) and the three of them share two European priorities of RESEARCH and DEVELOPMENT: Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs).
This new EU industrial revolution is marked by the advancement of technologies applicable to the industry, which demands high R&D intensity, rapid innovation cycles and more skilled jobs. The electric and metal mechanic EU industries need qualified people with a range of skills and competencies related to Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) for Advanced Manufacturing to respond to demands of the new century organizations and maintain and develop levels of competitiveness.Aware of this PROVET 4.0 contributes to meet the challenge of this new industrialization 4.0, by increasing flexibility of VET training programs and developing links between VET and the labor market.
Target group
The main groups of interest of PROVET 4.0 project are:
- Managers and SME representatives, HR responsible and other business professionals and enterprises, especially from the electric and metal mechanic industries
- Workers of electric and metal mechanic industries
- VET learners
- VET providers
- VET/ CVET teachers and trainers
- Professionals of education and formal / non formal training
- Official bodies of continuous training
The purpose of PROVET 4.0 project is to respond to a strong need for Europe: the need of qualified workers to face the challenges of the industry 4.0, though
a) identifying the current and future capabilities requirements of Key Enabling Technologies for Advanced manufacturing in electric and metal mechanic industries in Italy, France and Spain and
b) developing an innovative joint training programme and free course which will contribute to reduce the mismatches and shortages between VET providers and electric and metal mechanic industries demands in the need of key skills and capabilities for Advanced Manufacturing.